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Why student should consider studying agriculture.

Why student  should consider studying Agriculture.

Some people know exactly who they are and what they want to be from the moment they start studying and making job decisions.

Agriculture is no longer viewed simply as growing of crops or animal husbandry. In the modern world, this discipline touches on areas such as business, geography, sociology and conservation.

Studies in Agriculture focus on a combination of factors, from environmental challenges faced by farmers, to the pressure caused by overpopulation and food shortages that concern governments and global corporations.


1. Student is getting more intrest in agriculture

The trend is growing. Support for the agriculture sector is increasing. The list of reasons is endless. Young people or student  are also  speaking up for themselves on why they choose agriculture.

2. Agricultural research needs young brainpower
Today, more than before, climate change and a growing demand for nutritious food are for fresh ideas and renewed knowledge to explore ICT in agriculture, foster climate-smart agriculture and innovate in the sector to power future growth.

3. It is now a field vibrant with effective innovations
Agriculture in the developing world has become a field vibrant with effective innovations, thanks to a growing number of young techie minds that make it happen.

4. There are a lot of opportunities for young entrepreneurs
In india there are enough land resources, the young entrepreneur should be encouraged to agriculture as an untapped resource of development.

5. Agriculture has the power to develop the world
When it comes to fighting poverty, agriculture is more effective than other sectors. Agriculture is up to four times more effective than other sectors in reducing poverty.

6. Agriculture is a rapid avenue for employment
Apart from economic benefit, agriculture would contribute to GDP of most African states economy and the rest of the world.

7. Availability mobile applications to make farming easier
Nowadays, most young people in all countries over the world know how to use a mobile phone without training.  Interested in practicing right?

8. No Farmer No Food No Future!
Agriculture has enormous potential for eradicating poverty, needs youthful energy and passionate team players.

9.Help the world’s population
The Agriculture  industry and its success is vital for the well-being of the people of the world – specifically those in poverty-stricken areas. If your dream is to help alleviate world hunger, then a degree in this sector is a great start. It is also an excellent platform to help create work opportunities for the rural poor in less economically developed countries.

10.Help the environment
Similarly, without individuals working in Agriculture preventing the environment from falling out of shape would be a struggle. Individuals who work in conservation and sustainability are essential!

11. Combine several different academic areas
Whether you are interested in the scientific side, or conversely the active and practical, there is something to suit many different types of learners. The Agriculture industries need it all, from logical statistics interpreters, to people physically planting crops or taking measurements in the field.

12.Postgraduate opportunities are fruitful
The amount of specializations postgraduates can choose during study is substantial. From coastal change to natural resource economics, the list is diverse and fascinating. 

13. Jobs are abundantly available
The range of different professions required for the positive development of Agriculture  around the globe is vast and dynamic. A career can go down a multitude of different routes, from business management, farming journalism, data analyzing, agricultural sales and marketing, environmental conservation, public recreation, social research and many, many more.

14.Chance to work in a wide range of environments
Whether you work on the other side of the world or stay in the UK, a job within the Agriculture sector allows your office to be indoors, outdoors, or a mixture of both. From practical work to working with data on a computer, the options are endless.

15.Population is increasing
 Population is increasing so as the feeding mouth.we have to touched the figure of approx 7 billion globally. The green revolution is an old story for feeding  the increasing population. Now we need a new revolution in food nutrition  and balanced diet. Agriculture  adopt the fast growing  sector like plant breeding  ,biotechnology, genetics and food technology. 

16.Less awareness about agriculture as a carrier 
Not only in Pakistan, but in many other world countries, there is always room for more Agricultrists to come in and fill the room the job spaces.But it doesn't  means that you will


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